Rhiana Suarez | England

Royal Holloway University of London
Psychology, Spirituality and Health Certificate

Have you traveled abroad before? If so, where and why?
Half of my family is from Ecuador, so I have traveled to the country on multiple occasions to visit extended family members. Although I mostly visit major cities during my travels there (such as Quito and Guayaquil), I did visit the island of Isabela in the Galapagos Islands one summer. The restorative and sustainable nature of Isabela lifted my spirits and drove me to become more environmentally conscious in my day-to-day life. Following my graduation from high school, I traveled to Dominical, Costa Rica, for a meditation and yoga retreat at a local eco-lodge. I also visited a friend who was studying abroad in Madrid last spring and spontaneously traveled to Nice for a few days.

Have you studied abroad before? If so, where, when, and for what?
When I turned 15, I spent a few weeks abroad in Florence, Italy studying art and culture. This experience made me realize that I wanted to devote a good portion of my life to varied cultural immersion/understanding.

Where are you studying abroad this time and why did you choose this location and program?
I am grateful to be studying abroad in Surrey, United Kingdom through a UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) exchange program. When I initially began my journey at UF, I knew that studying abroad was one of my top priorities. Every time the opportunity to apply arose, however, it didn’t feel quite right. Either I wasn’t entirely settled on a destination to travel to, or my semester required that I remain in Gainesville (for work or class-related reasons). Over the summer, when I went to CLAS advising, I happened to pass a hallway corner that had a ‘Study Abroad’ flyer attached to it. As my eye caught sight of those two words, I lingered a bit longer to read the rest of it. Once it mentioned that the UK programs listed were ideal for 3rd year Psychology majors (both of which I happened to be), I knew it was meant for me. I applied, and here I am!

What are you most looking forward to during your study abroad program?  What are you most nervous about?
I am looking forward to being so close to London, because of how much cultural diversity exists within the city. I am hoping to become more informed on various backgrounds, cultures and histories since I have such close access to the city. At the same time, I’m excited to be settling into a university nestled closer to the English countryside! I’m very fond of nature and expect to find myself immersed in lots of outdoor adventures.
I am most nervous about meeting people! I’m very extroverted and thrive when I am constantly around others, and I hope that others will like me enough to want to hang out with me. (What a universal human feeling!)

What are some of your interests and hobbies?
I enjoy ecstatic dance and other movement-related activities like yoga. I love learning new languages– I’m currently learning Italian and hoping to start learning Arabic soon. I like striking up conversations with strangers and traveling spontaneously to new places. I’m also very passionate about the environment– I mainly live a plant-based lifestyle and bring Tupperware/reusable utensils everywhere I go.

What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?
1. Spend some time at an ashram to practice/learn more about meditation, fasting, ahimsa, the power of silence, etc.
2. Write an autobiographical book about my traveling adventures/the lessons I have learned meeting interesting people.
3. Do scorpion pose on my own & advance to other inversions afterward.

Anything else you would like us to know about you?
I love helping other people in their own study abroad experiences, and I am honored to answer any questions you may have for me about my own experience. I recognize that this journey has been made a lot easier by the many individuals who have helped clarify issues that arose along the way, provided insight into UK lingo and norms, and assisted me in my preparations. I would like to be a similar guiding figure for someone else.


Rhiana’s Posts

  • Being Gentle with Yourself March 11, 2020 - Or Haggis, Heightened Emotions and Homesickness                 It’s been a while since I’ve sat down with my thoughts. It’s funny; I feel like I say this every time I reflect on my time here through writing. I am sitting in Crosslands, our university’s pub/café. The weekly pub quizzes that my friends and I usually attend are about to begin; workers are setting up for it …
  • The Importance of Connecting with People in Every Stage of Life February 13, 2020 - About two and a half years ago, at the start of my [somewhat] independent life as a university student, I met a Dutch exchange student named Charlotte (or Lotte, for short). I was in the process of moving into an apartment off campus; I had just hulled all of my move-in boxes into my room, and was anxiously anticipating the arrival of my other four, …
  • An Afternoon of Poetry Near Camden January 30, 2020 - When I was in high school, I used to read, write and perform poetry in my spare time. My middle school acting teacher, Ms. Ydabel, taught me to become comfortable with the stage far before I determined myself capable of, or even interested in, reciting poetry upon it. My 10th grade creative writing teacher, Mr. Sanchez, then challenged me to expand my beliefs about what …
  • Reflection in an Egham Pizzeria January 21, 2020 -                 I cannot remember the last time I purposefully invited and treated myself to good food. Although I eat regularly— and this past week, I have given my meals more thought than usual, as I have had to adjust my plant-based diet to fit the context of typical English cuisine—I often share meals with others. The dormitory that I reside in at Royal Holloway University …

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