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  • My heart is in Las Cruces

    Spending time at the Las Cruces Research Station has been the best experience. Robert and Catherine Wilson founded this site in 1962 and it was acquired by the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) in 1973. The botanical garden here is one of the most important plant collections in Central America. OTS offers college courses at…

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  • Megan Meese | The Netherlands

    UF in Utrecht – The Making of EuropeInternational Studies | Anthropology Why did you select your study abroad program?My study abroad program is a six-week summer exchange with the University of Utrecht on the “The Making of Europe” track for which I will travel to Rome, Utrecht, and Berlin to chronologically explore the past and…

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  • Mindy Tran | Peru

    UF in Cusco – Experiential Learning for Health ProfessionsBiology | Spanish Why did you select your study abroad program?I selected this study abroad program because I am a biology major, obtaining spanish certificate and a pre-med student. Therefore this study abroad program was perfect for me! I plan on becoming a physician and being able…

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  • Just a lil update

    Long time no see! I could fill a book with how much I want to talk about and the things I’ve seen, but fortunately I won’t do that. I will start with my experience shadowing, as that is obviously the main reason I am here. After the hospital orientation, I was assigned to the psychiatry…

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  • 5.27.2024: One Night in Bangkok

    Actually, it was a whole weekend, but the song is just too catchy… Where do I even start? I figured out why it feels like so much time has passed since the last time we spoke. There is an 11-hour time difference between me and you. When I’m waking up, you’re winding down for the…

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  • Cultural Introduction to Italy

    Seven days. Over ten locations. The ultimate tour of Italy in just one week! This is how my time abroad began- thanks to FUA’s Cultural Introduction to Italy course. Just two weeks ago, 24 other students and I ventured all throughout the country and I could not have asked for a better start to my…

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  • Fútbol: Sevilla FC vs. FC Barcelona

    Last week, our professor told us that while we were in Sevilla, there would be a soccer game at the Ramon Sanchez-Pizjuan Stadium that we could attend. The stadium being so close to our homestays, a handful of my classmates and I decided to buy tickets. For 140€ we secured tickets! Here in Spain, they…

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  • Happiest country in the world + Barcelona Champions League Winners

    School: I had my final exams this week for my Spain classes. I ended with a 90 in Spanish language and an 87 in European history, and I’m still waiting for my Spanish culture grade. I’m genuinely surprised I ended with such a good grade in history because my midterm exam score was not it at all, but I guess…

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  • Emily Detwiler | Italy

    UF in Florence – Global PerspectivesPublic Relations | Sociology Why did you select your study abroad program?I’ve been never to Europe before and Italy was always high up on my bucket list. Global Perspectives in Florence has such an amazing location which such a vast array of classes to choose from. Being that I will…

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  • Trouble Deciding or Genuinely Confused: How to Know Which Study Abroad Program is Right for You?

    Today, I was talking to my study abroad program coordinator, Dora, a talented and incredible person — who not only serves as my program’s education liaison but also as a local guide— who asked why I chose this program? Why UF in Greece: Health Narratives and Problem-solving for Medical NGOs? The response came clear to…

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